november, 2016
19nov11:00 amTurkey Shoot!11AM
Event Details
The MEDFORD GUN CLUB invites all shooters to a turkey shoot on Saturday, November 19th. Shooting time is schedules to start at 11am and the shooting agenda will include: Annie Oakley's,
Event Details
The MEDFORD GUN CLUB invites all shooters to a turkey shoot on Saturday, November 19th. Shooting time is schedules to start at 11am and the shooting agenda will include:
Annie Oakley’s, buddy backers, chip shoots, and non-winner brackets. The wobble trap will be used on some formats and a regular trap on other formats
The Club will issue Safeway gift cards to shoot winners to buy whatever they wish.
A regular price trap will also be available to shoot on.
The Club will furnish hot dogs and chili for lunch and everyone is invited. We hope to see you there!
(Saturday) 11:00 am
Medford Gun Club
1259 E. Vilas Rd.